The other day I was looking through some of my old nail pictures on my phone when I realized how plain and boring I've gotten! I used to be pretty fancy but for some reason the creativity hasn't been around for a while. Then I decided to make a flashback post to some of the designs I've done! At this point I don't remember all the names of the nail polishes I used so I apologize in advanced for that.
First I'll start off with my mint green and cheetah print nails. This mint green, Sally Hansen's "Mint Sorbet," is by far my favorite and that also reminds me I should probably go grab another bottle! I did my usual clear base coat, 2 coats of Mint Sorbet, and then I let those coats air dry. After they were decently dry, I used a stamping plate for the cheetah print using a plain black nail polish then once all my wanted nails were stamped, I sealed it with a top coat. I use Seche Vite for both my base coat and my top coat.
The next design for flashback Friday is my cartoon nails! I remember being nervous that these weren't going to come out that great but they actually didn't come out half bad. The hardest part about these was doing the black outline which I had to use the brush of my black nail polish that was desperately running out. The only thing that I would have done differently would have been to wait a little while longer to add the top coat since it seemed to ruin a tiny bit of the nail polish.

This next design is probably one of my favorites that I've done as well and I made sure to make it look like a crime scene....kind of. My base coat is "Day Glow" by Serum No5 and is my favorite glow in the dark nail polish probably EVER! It's seriously just THAT awesome! Currently the owner is on vacation but keep checking back to her website to see when she's back up and running! I used a stamping plate for the splatter marks as well (sadly I'm not that talented) and I alternated between red and black. You can also view my Starbucks addiction in this photo as well, no shame!
Lastly for this post, my white tips accompanied by colorful rhinestone! I have enough rhinestones to probably last me a couple of years, thank you to Ebay! I decided to alternate the colors as well since I have the colors but light and dark versions of each. I also love doing tips myself and I can get pretty concentrated and into when I do too.
Well that would seem to be it for this little flashback Friday and it's even Friday the 13th! So far my Friday the 13th has been okay, anybody else having different or better results?! Either way I hope you all have a good day, a good Friday, and a good Friday the 13th, now don't get into any trouble either!