Thursday, January 30, 2014

MIA Update!

Hey guys! So I've been MIa for a little while and I have been working on a post with my latest Zoya nail polish purchase. School had started to get in the way of my life (like usual) and I also just got some oral surgery done this week so that's taken energy away from me too. I'm hoping to get my Zoya nail polish purchase post up by the end of this weekend and have been slowly documenting each of the polishes I got. Right now I have 3 down and 3 to go! Figured I'd just write a little update post about the lovely happenings of my life at the current moment. Hopefully I can get my school reading and homework schedule down to a nice organized one soon and then start writing more posts for you guys :). Also can we acknowledge the fact that Feburary is literally this upcoming Saturday?! Anyways hope you guys have a good day and be on the lookout for new posts!